So first off, that Real Kitchen video is great. And it's six years old? So prescient and spot-on.
Now, that being said, my wife and I did Alinea carryout for our anniversary last night and had a wonderful time, even if that RK video now makes me feel little like a rube for enjoying it so much. Oh well, life can be two things.
That said we had a great time. The dinner took us over two hours, and we were stuffed. I'm sure I fucked up the presentations and assemblies. I'm also sure it doesn't live up to the actual Alinea experience...but that's not in the finances for a while.
And I can't stress this enough, will Alinea play reruns of "Schitt's Creek" for the entire two hour plus duration of your meal? I think not. It's those special little things that really make the home experience.
So here's all the dishes/containers/ingredients unloaded (well not everything, there's probably another 10 containers plus the acetate in the dessert bag)

First Dish: Charred Roe with cantaloupe, lime, champagne. Was a nice start. I enjoy Roe but won't go out of my way to order it....but this had a nice smokey/briney flavor that paired nicely. My wife took a tiny bite and scraped it off.
More Roe for me.

Chilled Carrot Soup. This was nice, refreshing, and the coconut paired well, but was a little underwhelming and probably my least favorite dish. But it sure is a purty shade of orange.

Poached Atlantic Scallops [with heated Spring Aroma reminiscent of wild bee balm, milkweed, and bergamot...not to be eaten]
Again, Real Kitchen's parody is spot-on. We (I) probably looked like privileged idiots reheating a spring smell from Mr. Achatz's childhood... while America is burning; and my wife did not hold back the mocking. On the other hand, you have to stop to celebrate anniversaries and we were having fun. Oh yeah, this was a very good dish. I'm still kind of amazed how Alinea could coordinate this meal, using only our oven set to 350, and a sauce pot for one or two dishes. Fucking scallops man, they're alright.

Prime Beef Short Rib. Normally, I'm not a short rib guy (too pot-roastey). But this was fucking amazing, and came out perfectly medium rare (thank you four pages of instructions, single spaced).
My 12 year old son started eating my wife's portion, and she almost closed fist punched him when he went in for a third bite. Fair is fair. My son then remarked "remind me to order this when we're at Alinea." So many problems I don't even know where to start.
This was also the portion where the "frugal" demon perched on my shoulder started chirping up about the cost/size of the little celery and apple slices accompanying this dish. Demon ain't wrong, but fuck him. The food was tasty and we were having a great time. As this pandemic rages or wanes, I think we will be looking at dining out more as a unique experience as opposed fuck. Getting sidetracked. I'll post this somewhere else. Prime beef short rib was killer.

Sweet Garlic Corn Orzo. Running out of superlatives. This was very very good. Slightly sweet, savory, very filling and perfect segue as the meal was winding down towards dessert.

Roasted mushroom vinaigrette. If Grant Achatz can peddle in childhood memories so can I (unfortunately I can't charge a couple bills for mine though). Anyway, my mom used to sometimes serve us salad after dinner and say we were doing it "European style" that night. Mostly she had just forgotten the salad in the fridge, or knew we didn't have the patience for it...but this brought me back regardless.
Instructions said heating was optional, so we served one portion at room temperature, and one heated (in the microwave....sorry Mr. Achatz. I was a little too buzzed at this point and didn't feel like cleaning up the sauce pan).
Wife and I both like the heated version more. So room temp plate took a quick spin and we were both off. Great final (dinner) dish.

Dark Chocolate on Your Table. Can most people tell the difference between a true Jackson Pollock and some shit my boys splattered? Probably not. That said, this was pretty tasty and my boys were having fun making fun of my wife and I. Honestly, there's tons of dessert that taste better (pretty much any warm homemade chocolate chip cookies beat this dish in the flavor department)... but it was still a blast and a perfect conclusion to a very fun meal.

Almost forgot the booze. I opted for the Cody Road barrel aged Old Fashion. I ended up drinking half the bottle throughout the meal (please remember, it was almost 150 minute long). They supplied the orange peels, and I added a couple cherries. Needless to say I enjoyed it. Making an old fashioned isn't all that difficult, but a bottle of this (without the Alinea markup) is pretty reasonably priced. Might be keeping this on hand in the future.
Wrap up: Sorry this got a little long, but it was a lot of fun and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll leave it at that. Thanks Alinea!!