Cathy2 wrote:When I said the secret word, it was rejected. Finally, they advised the word was 'bites.' Just for completeness, I said, "Granola bites."
Artie wrote:No Saturday Sampler that I'm aware of.![]()
WOD supposedly coming Monday the 18th is a box of Oat Crunch Cinnamon Cheerios.
That should be pretty easy to find at the cereal aisle and the WOD allegedly is going to be "Cheerios". Sounds way too simple,doesn't it?
On June 18th, stop in for another #WordoftheDay offer on Oat Cinnamon Crunch cereal! Say the trigger words "Cheerios" at the register to redeem! (Valid 1 per customer on 6/18 only).
SOLA is a premium 14% butterfat ice cream...
...& you can try the Mint Chocolate Chip Flavor for free on Friday, June 29th! Say "SOLA" at checkout to redeem. (Valid 6/29, 1 per customer, Mint Chocolate Chip ONLY!) #WordoftheDay
Artie wrote:We're back in action Freebie Fans
SOLA is a premium 14% butterfat ice cream...
...& you can try the Mint Chocolate Chip Flavor for free on Friday, June 29th! Say "SOLA" at checkout to redeem. (Valid 6/29, 1 per customer, Mint Chocolate Chip ONLY!) #WordoftheDay
Dave148 wrote:Artie wrote:We're back in action Freebie Fans
SOLA is a premium 14% butterfat ice cream...
...& you can try the Mint Chocolate Chip Flavor for free on Friday, June 29th! Say "SOLA" at checkout to redeem. (Valid 6/29, 1 per customer, Mint Chocolate Chip ONLY!) #WordoftheDay
FYI = they’ll honor the deal with any other flavor if they’re out of Mint Chocolate Chip
Artie wrote:The cheese cup didn't come off and the cashier had to take it off manually. You can find the product in the deli case not the regular cheese section. Didn't look for the Body Armor as Jewel was a madhouse at 8 AM.
The GP wrote:Artie wrote:The cheese cup didn't come off and the cashier had to take it off manually. You can find the product in the deli case not the regular cheese section. Didn't look for the Body Armor as Jewel was a madhouse at 8 AM.
They did not specify which cheese cup. I tried to get the feta crumbles and was told the free item was only the shredded parmesan. The Body Armor was stacked at the corner of the customer service desk at my Jewel.
chezbrad wrote:Question: did Jewel do away with its clearance shelf? The South Loop and West Loop locations were absent on recent visits. Le sigh. My favorite reason to shop there: all those random product debacles...
chezbrad wrote:Question: did Jewel do away with its clearance shelf? The South Loop and West Loop locations were absent on recent visits. Le sigh. My favorite reason to shop there: all those random product debacles...
NFriday wrote:Did anybody else purchase the $.99 blueberries at Jewel this last week?
zoid wrote:Jewel-Osco President Doug Cygan dead at 55 ... story.html
Chilly Cow Ice Cream is high in protein and low in calories! On Friday (7/13), you can try any one (1) Chilly Cow Ice Cream (2 pack-8oz tubs) or Ice Cream Bars (5 pack) for FREE. Just say “Protein Packed” at the register! (Limit 1 per customer on 7/13 only) #WordoftheDay
NFriday wrote:I would not buy it myself, but for free it was ok.