Had some unfinished business in Peoria this past Saturday. Of course did return trips to Trefzger's for cookies and coffeee cake, and Pottstown Meat and Deli for another one of those dry aged Kilgus Farms bone in sirloins.. This time had to also throw in a return to Alwan Meats for their lunchtime cookout. If the folks at Castles Patio Inn werent on vacation I would have gone there for some drinks and cheese and crackers as well...
Rolled over to Peoria Heights to look around:
Emack and Bolio's, an east coast ice cream shop, a solid cone that I enjoyed walking around the neighborhood checking out the sites:

Emack and Bolio's
4534 N. Prospect
Peoria Heights, IL.
http://www.emackandbolios.com/The Navy Marine Club, tried to get a drink here & it isusually open to the public according to a guy I chatted up outside, however they were having a private function on Sat.. I enjoy social clubs like these, I used to belong to the Irish Club in Aurora, and nowdays frequent the Croatian Club in Joliet as a guest. :
Navy Marine Club:

Navy Marine Club
1310 E. Seiberling
Peoria, IL.
The big "find" of this trip came by accident. I knew Pabst had a shuttered brewery in Peoria Heights, I had read pretty much all of the buildings were gone and really hadn't figured out where the brewery had been located. While walking on Prospect I saw the PBR lettering and the telltale brickwork of a brewery:

I wandered around the property and got some more pictures, read that this building was the offices of the brewery, part has been converted into an old folks home I believe:
Opened in 1934, closed do to corporate greed in 1982.

in the distance the shipping facility still in use for another industry:

As I was finishing up a gentleman asked if Id like to see the old brewery bar. Hell yeah..
The 33 Room:

The 33 Room is , now a jewelry store. The owner of the store worked at the PBR plant back in the day and has kept the original bar and woodwork intact. Wondered what the significance of "33" was. A marketing slogan it turns out - "33 in 1"... PBR is blended 33 times to make one great beer!"
PBR Brewery site
Approx 4539 N. Prospect
Peoria Heights, IL.
Time for some drinks and sun we headed to Creve Coeur, IL. Captain Ron's(posted about upthread) is now Kuchies Corner:

Great spot for hanging out on a lazy Saturday:

Kuchies on the Water
579 Wesley Road
Creve Coeur, IL.
http://www.kuchies.com/Rolled out of Kuchies and got back over to Eureka, IL off of State Route 24. and one of my favorite spots - Hodell's Chanticleer. Spots been frying bird for a long time:

Had some fried chicken(solid),lake perch(great), some wings as well as some nice au-gratins... I also really like their apple bread that comes in the bread basket, Prices have gone up a little, but the service, and vibe is right.
Hodell's Chanticleer
744 N. Main
Eureka, IL.