.....<<<< rant on >>>>>.......
OK, I'll try this again. This morning, during a much needed rain, our internet service cut out, and I lost the update I was posting.
Just as a PSA, and since I told the guy on the phone I would let everybody know how happy I was with their service, I highly reccomend Dish Network internet service.... especially if you
only want to use the internet when the sun is shining or you can see stars in the night sky. There is nothing like hoping to get a radar picture of a storm coming across the county, only to lose your service just as the first few raindrops hit your satellite dish.
Rest assured, if your Dish TV is still giving you a picture, the people on The Weather Channel are standing right in front of NW Ohio, while pointing at Chicago to tell me what just happened, and pointing the other way at Cleveland, letting them know they are about to die.
Our contract is up in December, I'm ready for winter, if it means I can get rid of this
wonderful service. I'm not sure what I'll go with, but I can tell you how many seconds after my contract is up, that Dish will continue to be my internet provider.
....... <<<<<<<<< rant off >>>>>>>>>..........
Sunday was our anniversary, after church, we stopped at a local Mexican Resturant for dinner. You can tell it's authentic, because the bill comes to your table, written in spanish, and added by hand. I guess we got charged for what we ordered. The food was good and the price was reasonable, so we'll just assume everything was right. If they are happy, we are happy.
The anniversary celebration lasted until we got home and changed clothes, we had cabbage heads that needed taken care off.

Three to four weeks until kraut..... and I don't even like it that much. I'm forcing myself though, one of these days, it'll be my favorite.
I picked up hog feed today, after the mill closed, since it was raining earlier. This is what 1,000 lbs of feed looks like in the back of the truck.....

This is what it looks like in the feeder;

The kittens have finally moved off the porch, back to the barn. Hopefully, they'll start mousing to supplement their cat food intake.
Gathering around the bowl, for a free meal.....while I work, unloading feed.....

Stripe, talking to the pigs, through the gate

He was running around inside the pen, by the time I got done unloading feed. At least they are smart enough to stay out from under vehicles and away from pigs. They are just wild enough to be pretty good cats. I hope they are natural born killers.
I think that's it.
Thanks for looking.......