Took a quick shot down to Bloomington/Normal on Saturday - As close as it is - I have visited rarely - I see heading back soon as it is only a little over an hour from the house.
Had been reading about a pop-up sandwich spot serving up lunch at a VFW hall in Bloomington - BraiZe:

Not much gonna tell you whats going on inside the VFW - other than lunch. One local guy and another who cooked in Chicago()table 52, etc.) own it.
From what I had read get there early or dont bother - sold out by 1230pm, and they open at 11am. Walked in the VFW at 11 and there was already a line 20-30 deep. They are doing sandwiches, most all finished on the flat top. Their hook is the the ingredients go inside a hollowed out - freshly baked roll -
picture does not do it justice(just gives and idea of how they stuff the roll - this is the Rasta 4 Eye(jerk chicken, Ropp swiss, romaine, bacon. - poppin jerk flavors. The bread was something special:

Cool concept, and I tip my hat to the guys for being creative in finding a space to cook - I guess they handle the fish fry on fridays for the VFW - might be worth checking out.
BraiZe - Inside the VFW
1006 E. Lincoln St.
Bloomington, IL. some meats for some cooking on Sunday - checked out a local butcher shop - Bloomington Meats - been in business as a butcher since the 1970's under a couple different owners. .

Cracked me up - best meat on Bunn Street - I didnt see another butcher anywhere close. - lol. I think they had about 20 different brat "flavors" - I grabbed some garlic brats, bologna, bacon ends, and a couple of bacon wrapped filets they had on special $6.79/ea, - (Sunday breakfast.. good stuff) All good and inexpensive - cost me about $20 total for the above. Cooking the brats tomorrow Ill advise.
Bloomington Meats
2401 S. Bunn
Bloomington, IL. had also heard of a place called Epiphany Frams - a farm to fork spot. A farm and 2 restaurants. Anju Above and Epiphany Farms - located in the same building:

We hit Anju Above for lunch and enjoyed it - Maybe Epiphany Farms for supper some time:

Really cool space - upstairs - open kitchens. Too dark for pics - we enjoyed the korean wings, Anju pork dumplings, pork steam buns, and the Gucci Cali roll. Dumplings and buns were top notch - Also had one of the better Buffalo Trace old Fashioned's I have had recently.
Anju Above menu: ... eb_3.2.pdfAnju Above
220 East Front Street
Bloomington, IL. really hungry - yet curious i rolled over to Normal to have a couple beers and check out Lunkers - "Home of the Big Fish" -

College bar - pretty quiet early on a Saturday when I arrived but filling up as I was leaving. Maybe 40 different bottle options, plus all the lite regulars - cheap shots too.
Spied a couple of the big fish going by, just didnt have it in me on this day - knew I had fried chicken in mind for supper. Ill be back to try it.
104 S. Linden
Normal, IL.
menu: ... Zt0t-RZCvxBummed Grand Cafe doesnt open til 4pm on Saturdays - an egg roll and some fried rice would have been good for the ride North. - Next time as well.
Last edited by
jimswside on January 28th, 2015, 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.