Psst.. this time of year, its 10-15 degrees warmer out west of the city. Did the Quad Cities 2 Saturdays in a row, and last weekend it was a quick - solo shot down to Peoria to take care of some business. - 76 and sunny where I was at on Sat..
I had a short window and a few spots to hit before I could shoot over to the shrimp farm in El Paso, IL. More on that later.. First stop was for some meat. I had read about Pottstown Meat and Deli on here from "likestoeatout", and checked them out a little more. They offer Kilgus Farms pork and beef. For those not aware, Route 24 the portion from Peoria east to about I-57 is a hotbed of farms -dairy, pork, beef.. most of which sell to the public. I usually hit Alwan Meats in Peoria, but I think Pottstown will be my choice from now on., the pork, snack sticks and beef I got from them was great and affordable.

this is a Kilgus Farms, aged bone-in sirloin.: $15 for the steak, not $15/Lb....:

found a window in the rain yesterday afternoon to put it to the fire:

Not crapping ya, that was the best steak I have ever cooked at home, in the top 5 of all time.
Pottstown Meat & Deli
4700 N. University
Peoria, IL. stop was a bakery that has been around since 1861, Trefzgers,

had to get a number and wait in line, but the time it was my turn my order had gone from only some smiley face cookies to a loaf of cinnamon bread, and a blueberry coffee cake.. Blueberry coffee cake was top notch. Another spot Ill be going back to.
Trefzger's Bakery
3504 N. Prosect
Peoria, IL., time for a drink, Castles Patio Inn, healthy pours of bourbon, cheap beer, and complimentary cheese spread and crackers.

btw this spot, and the cheese spread recipe are for sale...
Castles Patio Inn
802 W. Loucks
Peoria, IL. ... 7227398118In order to hear about the food stops you gotta ride along for some of the shit I am interested in...
Saw WSP at the Madison theatre back on 7/16/99 - hot night, hot show - theater has been closed down since around 2003 - Fire codes.. Built in 1920 as a silent movie house:

here is that show for those looking to open their minds: ... peoria-il/Madison Theater
502 Main
Peoria, IL.
The reason for my trip down to the Peoria area was to hit a saltwater shrimp farm in El Paso, IL. - maybe 30 mins from Peoria. THe Steiner Family Farm, I had been in touch with them since last year trying to get some shrimp, once the weather broke and I got the word they had shrimp I was on my way. about them in a few press articles: ... ll-kickingGot a bag of fresh Pacific White shrimp - 1# -@ $18, about $1 per shrimp as there were 15-18 in the bag. They were still moving a little as they had recently been pulled from the tanks.

boiled some off for a shrimp and egg salad served with crackers.. The shrimp popped and the eggs I got on the farm were fantastic as well:

The others I grilled and tossed in with some mahi I was grilling:

Big fan of these folks and hope they can make it work:
Steiner Farm
2298 County Road 800N
El Paso, IL.
Nice quick shot into a fun area of the state. - I ran out of time on this visit, & I have at least 5-6 more interesting food and drink places to visit - of course some fried chicken and more fun. Maybe this upcoming Sat.