I am still very intrigued about obtaining a deer. I called Grainery Meat for more information. They need to have the green tag that the deer kill was registered with the Department of Natural Resources. They hold this tag while the meat is being processed and will return it when you collect your meat.
They advised depending on the size of the deer the take-home yield may be 3-5 grocery bags with:
2 rump roasts
2 shoulder roasts
1 neck roast (not everyone takes it)
6-10 round steaks
20-40 loin chops
6-8 sirloin tip steaks
grindings: 10-30 pounds
Grindings will be reduced if you have them make sausage, which is mixed with pork.
I inquired about the bacon cut to learn it is the meat skirting the rib cages. He does not get too much interest in it. Only some hunters wanted the ribs. He advised the ribs are not always desireable to take for several reasons: 1) They may be dried out depending on how quickly they get to butchering, 2) Depending on where the deer was shot, could also make them less desireable.
I inquired if he acted like a meat locker, where we could store the meat with him to collect occasionally. He does not have freezer capacity for long term storage. He will freeze your meat with the expectation you come promptly to pick it up within 2-3 days (early deer season) or up to one week (November - height of deer season).
I inquired what did he do with the deer heads that nobody wants. They go into a barrel for collection once a week from a render who used to take them away for free. Now the render charges for taking the heads and other bits away.