ViewsAskew wrote:MikeW665, I love my Earthboxes.....but I think they are a bit deceiving. Well, the boxes are not deceiving, but the advertising is. It makes it sound like you just can't go wrong; just plant all those lovely veggies and soon you won't be able to eat it all and will be the favorite neighbor.
Tt's just not like that! In many ways, it is not any easier using those than growing in the ground.
Well, I thought I would add my $.02 here since I grow all of my vegetables out of the Earthbox. I have 12 boxes and have finished my 2nd year in these sub-irrigated planters. Those who know me, know that I'm a fan of this medium for a variety of reasons. I find that using the boxes has been pretty easy and give most of the credit to the EB website and instructions. It's only when you want to deviate from the "system," things can get a little confusing. I have strayed a bit from the EB "system" only because of the cost of their potting mix, dolomite, and fertilizer. I've never grown anything in any other method but have family members that have traditional gardens and we always compare notes. As I mentioned when I started this thread, I tracked my production to share. I agree that it was a bad year but I still had more food than our family of three could eat and I have a whole drawer on peppers and cucs in my fridge that I'm afraid I won't get to (I will be giving most of it away to neighbors/friends). I figured that I probably had twice as many tomatoes last year than I had this year. Here's what I had this year (figures are in lbs of produce, except where noted):
Box 1 (Arugula, 2 varieties of lettuce) - 12 oz of arugula, 4 lbs of lettuce
Box 2 (Broccoli / six plants- only three survived) - 1.7
Box 3 (Cucumbers, 3 plants) - 14.8
Box 4 (Swiss Chard, Batavian Endive) - Chard 2.1, Endive 2.5
Box 5 ("Green" Beans, 2 varieties/8 plants, late planting) - 2.4
Box 6 (Peppers - 4 sweet plants, 2 hot plants) - Sweet 10lbs, Hot 2.8
Box 7 (Zucchini, 3 plants) - 4.5
Box 8 (Tomatoes, Stupice 2 plants) - 22.1
Box 9 (Tomatoes, Cherokee Purple, 2 plants) - 8
Box 10 (Tomatoes, San Marzano, 2 plants) - 20.7
Box 11 (Tomatoes, Kellogg's Breakfast, 2 plants) - 2.6
Box 12 (Tomatoes, Black Cherry, 2 plants) - 10
This year's weather wasn't great and many of my plants succumbed to some sort of disease, especially the tomatoes. 60 lbs of tomatoes seems like a lot but for the four boxes of normal sized tomatoes, I expected around 100 lbs. Zucchini caught powdery mildew and had some pollination problems as well. Cucs (Diva variety) did well and we liked the variety quite a bit. Not all of my direct seed beans took and that figure should reflect 4 or 5 plants. I still have some peppers on the vine so those figures may increase. I also have a couple of cucs on the vine. The broccoli was a little disappointing since I tried a variety (Romanesco) that may not do too well in this environment, either that or I needed to start it way earlier.
Overall, I've been happy with the sub-irrigated planters / Earthboxes. They sit on my roof (no digging, mulching, etc), their "shower cap" prevents weeds, and the automatic watering system has given me very little to do this year except pick vegetables. They're also very clean and don't waste water. If anyone is interested in this medium for next year, PM me and I'd be happy to share more experiences (or follow the link to the blog below). Cheers.
Edited on 10/7 for the last harvest of peppers and cucs.
Last edited by
tyrus on October 7th, 2009, 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
"It's not that I'm on commission, it's just I've sifted through a lot of stuff and it's not worth filling up on the bland when the extraordinary is within equidistant tasting distance." - David Lebovitz