ekreider wrote:Plants raised inside (including greenhouses) need hardening before planting. Limited periods outdoors when the weather is warm enough will toughen the plants; wind helps produce stronger, less leggy stems.
ViewsAskew wrote: Anyone who wants to start plants from scratch needs to know more than put seed in dirt, add water.
trs23 wrote:Tyrus
What did you use for your vertical wood supports in your trellis system above?
I've got the horizontal 2x8s but I was wondering what you used for the uprights? 2x2s?
loftyendeavors wrote:TRS -
Very nice system!
You don't happen to live near Roscoe Village do you? That alley looks might familiar.
Good luck!,
You are brave putting out the tomatoes...I want to!
trs23 wrote:I can't believe how fast these tomatos have taken off.
For example 5/7/09
And this morning 5/20/09
Thanks to Tyrus I stole his design for his trellis (not done yet --- I'm still adding more cross pieces)
trs23 wrote:I can't believe how fast these tomatos have taken off.
ViewsAskew wrote:My goodness, you really have taken to this gardening quite well, haven't you? Everything looks wonderful and is about a month ahead of me. I am a bit cautious regarding planting dates and get envious when I see evidence that I could have planted earlier!!!!
Interesting, my chard just doesn't seem to be interested in growing quickly. It's just not really taking off. Seeing yours reminded me of how small mine is. Hmmmmm.
tem wrote:I would kill to have a roof where I could plant and get unlimited sun. My tomatoes (green zebra, Mr. Stripey, Purple Cherokee, Old German, Brandywine) are starting to flower and I just pruned them back today.
The broccoli are huge but now flowers yet. My lettuces are harvestable and I should start eating them more regularly. My pepper box is starting to pick up, with the habaneros starting to come in. I put everything in at Memorial Day and I certainly think I could go a few weeks earlier next year.
I do, however, have enough parsley to last the rest of the summer !