So, I was in the neighborhood and stopped by Meineke's. After a somewhat-lengthy espionage session (the greenhouses were all closed due to the cold weather) I asked a few people about culantro. Apparently, they don't have it right now, but they have a "herb lady" who brings in "all kinds of weird and hard-to-find stuff" and who will be delivering her crop in about two weeks. She does, apparently, offer "Vietnamese coriander"
a slightly different plant from culantro, but it's relatively hardy and does have a milder cilantro flavor and will work just fine for my purposes.
Ignoring the gentle protestations of the proprieter, I went home with four tomato plants and six peppers, which I promised to keep indoors, and put out in the sun on warm days, until frost is done. I also got some really stunning French thyme and pascal celery, both of which are hardened off and ready to plant (they also have celeriac, as well as a huge selection of brassicas)
stevez, you're smart!
Meinke Garden Center
5803 W Touhy Ave
Niles, IL
Phone: 847-647-9455