Just a quick update. My fellow GreenRoofGrowers and I ordered our seeds for the '09 season on Saturday. It seems early but this is really the time, especially if you know what you want to plant. Many hard to find varieties can sell out early in the season, plus, in a few weeks, it'll be about time to start those cool weather crops.
If you figure that your seed plantings will be ready to go into the ground in about 4-6 weeks, you should consider your broccoli, cauliflower, kale, lettuces, etc. now. A couple of us may start our boxes (SIPs - sub irrigated planters) under some plastic for freeze protection. It's something another grower and I played with last fall and it really seems feasible. The planting date most likely will be between April 1 and April 15 for the cool weather crops, then May 15 or so for the warm weather crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.). We feel comfortable with these dates because of our zone (5b), the ability for the boxes to absorb heat, our plastic coverings, and some past results. Last year, I started everything on the same day - May 4th and although it seems a little early, I had no problems. Our average last frost date here is May 15th.
Here's a list of what I plan to grow in my 12 boxes this year and may add one or two items still:
-Arugula- Apollo
-Beans- Empress and Red Swan (both stringless beans, one green and one red).
-Broccoli- Green Goliath and Romanesco
-Rainbow Swiss Chard
-Cucumber- Diva
-Full Heart Batavian Endive
-Peppers- Santa Fe Grand, Napoleon Sweet, Sweet Chocolate
-Tomatoes- San Marzano #2, Cherokee Purple, Black Cherry, Kellogg's Breakfast, Stupice
-Zucchini Romanesco
-Lettuce- Green Salad Bowl and Merveille de Quatre Saisons
I may try a melon as well this year as well as some herbs again. My list is a little tame compared to the other growers that have more space/boxes.
I ordered from Victory Seed, Seed Savers Exchange, Reimer Seeds, Seeds from Italy, and Fedco.