I had found Woodman's during my day's in Madison and after my first visit I knew exactly what a SUPER market should be like.
Now I know that in Chicago we are blessed with all of are locally owned different ethnic grocery spots but some days I just feel cursed that we also have Dominick's and da jewel's as our main suppliers. Why do they think I should believe there is only one product of every item and the price is a "savings"...its not a savings even with the preferred card.
Rant coming...Im at Woodman's and I get 4 lb's of fresh made Usinger's brats for $6.99. At jewels they have inferior product for double that.
I get the same Vienna sports peppers i get at the Vienna outlet but they are $2.29 at Woodman's and $3.99 at the outlet and $4.49 at Jewel.
Jewel has a small case of bad cheese selection, Woodman's has its own aisle for cheese spreads!
Jewel has French's and maybe one other selection of mustard, Woodman's has more selection of mustard than you thought existed. Same for pizza...ever seen the frozen pizza selection at Woodman's? ever seen the hot sauce selection?
Jewel has these self checkout machines that drive you crazy...Woodman's has charge free ATMs.
Jewel has all the "local" regional family owned brands like Uno's pizza and Vienna dog's (WOW!)...Woodman's has pasties from Stella's in the UP, Kringles from all sorts of places in Racine.
Hey c'mon your being unfair, Dominick's has Tom-Tom tamale's BUT so does Woodman's. In fact Woodman's has a better giardinara selection than all the jewels and Dominick's outlets combined. Better prices too.
Jewel has coca-cola, pepsi, sprite, mountain dew can's...Woodman's has all sorts of regional bottled pop including 4 packs of Sioux city root beer for $1.99.
Woodman's has green river...Dominicks and jewel dont even carry green river and its made in Chicago...Woodman's has great micro brews available at ridiculous prices...Jewel has 312 and Old Style.
To be continued...as long as Jewels and Dominick's dominate the area.

7145 120th Ave
Kenosha, WI 53142
(262) 857-3801
Last edited by
Da Beef on September 5th, 2008, 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.