dddane wrote:on a similar note... i'm kind of designing some planters myself and was debating on materials...
did you use the styrofoam as the actual liner, or did you use plastic too, or did you put it in a pot then?
i'm debating what to do and was going to use that pink foamular or something similar ... they actually sell a stronger one than what's on the shelf at home depot--which can be special ordered, it's not much more expensive.. was debating on that. i'm pretty sure it would have to be painted at the top since i don't think it takes UV exposure well, but i wouldn't want the lip visible anyway...
I agree that this board should focus on edible planting and trees but to answer your question about planters and how I insulated them, I've included a few pics.
My Father-in-Law is a general contractor and had these boxes built by a HVAC contractor. It's basic HVAC galvanized steel and they hold up really well in our climate. He had two square and two rectangular boxes built. As you can hopefully see, there is a lip on the top of the boxes. Since these a a bit flimsy and I wanted to insulate them (for the winters), I put a 3/8" sheet of the pink foamular insulation (from Home Depot) on all sides, then I placed a 1/4" sheet of plywood, over the insulation. This tucked under the lip and gave me both insulation and structure for the heavy planters (not pictured here due to a recent move). I then filled the bottom with styrofoam (just broken pieces from furniture boxes, etc.) to lower the weight and filled the rest with potting mix, then mulch. This should give you a nice planter for a small tree.
I would be interested if you could plant a apple or cherry varietal in here. If anyone has had success, please let us know. Thanks...