I grew up in Northern California, where the use of ground-covers instead of grass is standard. When I bought my first house in KC, I noticed that a patch of my lawn wasn't grass, but instead this sort of coquille-St-Jacques shaped leaved, spreading plant, with pretty purplish flowers in the Spring. 'Well', thought I, 'I know how to grow ground-covers, don't I?' And I did, and do. Mow reasonably close to the ground, mild fertilization with a decent, balanced fertilizer, and your ground-cover will flourish.
My neighbors couldn't believe what I was doing, but what did *I* know, I was from California.
In a couple of years I had a lawn that couldn't be beat: it was cliimatically sound, didn't get grubs, didn't get muddy, mowed beautifully, stayed green all season long--which neither the hot-season NOR cool-season grasses do in KC--kept the weeds out, and essentially took care of itself.
It's all in your head Hammond, all in your head.
Sooo, you like wine and are looking for something good to read? Maybe
*this* will do the trick!