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Wednesday - Green City Market + Manny's ?

Wednesday - Green City Market + Manny's ?
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  • Wednesday - Green City Market + Manny's ?

    Post #1 - September 19th, 2006, 8:27 am
    Post #1 - September 19th, 2006, 8:27 am Post #1 - September 19th, 2006, 8:27 am
    My wife has been working at a new cafe in Chicago a few times a week (I'll post something soon on the professional board on her place), so I'm running solo tomorrow on my market run*. So, if anyone wants to meet at the market, around 9:15, let me know. Tomatoes and peaches are running out, and if we even have a shot, this may be the last shot (also here's your chance to meet the famous Farmer Vicki).

    Afterward, I plan on an early lunch at Manny's, so again, if anyone wants to meet there around 11, feel free to join up.


    *Green City Market is on Clark just north of North Avenue.
    Think Yiddish, Dress British - Advice of Evil Ronnie to me.
  • Post #2 - September 21st, 2006, 12:30 pm
    Post #2 - September 21st, 2006, 12:30 pm Post #2 - September 21st, 2006, 12:30 pm
    I hope others got to the market yesterday, even if I missed them. It was an especially good market; papples*, black walnuts, weirdly delicious grapes. Of course there was this from Nicholl's Farm:


    (also spelled cardoons)

    Here's what they looked like:Image
    Does this give a better sense of proportion, that's a 1/2 bushel.

    Note, even with one stalk or head or whatever a quantity of cardoon is called, I have a lot. If anyone wants some on Sunday let me know (first come basis).

    The other cool thing (is $15 too much to spend on a pound of butter?):

    *Papples may also be known as apple pears or Asian pears, and have become suddenly quite chic in the 7th grade.
    Think Yiddish, Dress British - Advice of Evil Ronnie to me.
  • Post #3 - September 21st, 2006, 1:57 pm
    Post #3 - September 21st, 2006, 1:57 pm Post #3 - September 21st, 2006, 1:57 pm
    Speaking of Asian pears, I've had them a number of times over the years, but I just had a really good one for the first time that I picked up last weekend at the Brookside farmer's market here in KC. This was really a terrific piece of fruit...usually I find them too hard and more like apples than pears in shape and texture. And without any endearing flavor to boot. This baby was definitely a pear, but definitely different than a western pear. A little firmer texture, but still the easy give of a ripe pear. Full pear sweetness, but a hint of apple crispness. I must say, I was quite pleasantly surprised.









