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Situation wanted: GM +/or Wine Director

Situation wanted: GM +/or Wine Director
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  • Situation wanted: GM +/or Wine Director

    Post #1 - October 30th, 2007, 4:49 pm
    Post #1 - October 30th, 2007, 4:49 pm Post #1 - October 30th, 2007, 4:49 pm
    I'm writing this on behalf of a friend, a veteran of the Chicago fine-dining scene. She's worked in management at some highly regarded restaurants, and her most recent posting as GM came to an abrupt end due to a personal conflict. She has an enormous love for food and wine and providing superior service in the high-end environment, but she is also wonderful with people and is highly dedicated. To give just two examples from watching her work: although her contract called for her to work 55 hours weekly, she routinely put in 75+ hour weeks, and she maintained warm and positive relationships with everybody on her staff, from the executive chef down to the silver polisher. I'm not unbiased, but I feel she would be a huge asset to the right restaurant. I was hoping some of the readers of this board might have heard of a recent opening, or could point me in the right direction for some leads....

    Thanks for reading. Longtime lurker, but love the forum, have found it super helpful in the past, and hopefully for this rather specific issue.









