JoelF wrote:Aaron,
Currently, I'm fascinated by some of the travel shows on satellite (esp Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations) where he keeps driving the point home about finding a place that specializes in one dish. One. Dish. That's the place you want to eat that dish, because they've been doing that for 60 years. Now that's unbundling.
That level of minimalism isn't going to work so well in a chain -- although I think Boston Market may have been more profitable when they just served rotisserie chicken, for instance.
A few points which may offend some people.
1) I question whether Boston Market was EVER really profitable as their years of "great profitability" coincided with their accounting scandal regarding their revenue recognition.
2) While I do not like AB, I will admit that he makes a good point. The real successful operators are those who FOCUS on one major item and DO IT WELL ***ALWAYS***. (emphasis intended).
Alton Brown appeared at Maid Rite in Iowa during a recent show on "Feasting on Asphault." The woman showing him how to make a "Maid Rite" insisted that he do it Maid Rite's way and made him redo it until it was right.
In this day and age when most of your kitchen help consists of immigrants and at a time when there is MASSIVE turnover in the industry, you have to keep it simple. Yet, I see all of these menus - chains and independents alike - that are requiring more and more complexity.
The chef inspired meu at Applebee's is a desaster because most of their cooks cannot execute the dishes that Tyler Florance has created for the chain.
My formerly favorite restaurant in Crystal Lake has been terrible recently. Same menu BUT ... so many of their experienced cooks have left to double their wages in non-food related fields and the new ones just are NOT cutting it. I am tired of getting half-cooked fish and twice cooked vegetables
3) Personally, a growing threat to restaurants is the wide variety of cooked entrees available at some of the supermarkets. I have cut back on my meals out when i can head to one of the local markets, pick up an entree and supplement it with fresh vegetables and a salad at home. This allows me to better control my portion size and to get home quicker each night.
Now my friends in the supermarket business see the opposite threat.
4) Be careful in accepting some of the marketing research. I have seen close to 100+ restaurant surveys in the past two years. Much of the research is well, geared less toward getting consumer opinion as much as it is to validate a new concept. That is, there are a lot of leading questions more focused on "how do you like this idea" rather than on "would you really buy this ?"
5) What is depressing to this consumer is that there is so little creativity in MOST food operations. Somebody comes up with an idea. Then everyone and their mother sees it and copies it.