So I prepped three Earthboxes yesterday, now it's time to decide what goes in them. Here's what I've been successful and not successful at in the past:
Lettuce/arugula-- probably will devote two boxes' worth to salad greens, because I love being able to go pluck a salad right before dinner. When season is over, will replant same boxes with tomatoes. Also going to try some cavolo nero this year.
Basil-- one or two plants is a fine companion all through summer
French breakfast radishes-- loved these last year
Strawberries-- decided these really weren't suited to a box, they need more than one year to establish, I got about six tart berries.
Peas-- I'd consider trying these again but didn't get much yield for the space. But would try again if I knew a way to have better results.
Swiss chard-- Never came up at all.
Rosemary-- didn't have that much flavor, surprisingly.
Mint, summer savory, verbena-- didn't use them enough to justify space devoted to them.
Anyone have a suggestion of something that really worked well for them that I should try?