bw77 wrote:You may want to consider doing the chickpeas in some smaller batches than a full pound if that is more than you can eat in a day or two. The times we've made those, they seemed to lose their crunch pretty quickly.
Cathy2 wrote:My one bow to panic buying, as we went into shelter-at-home, was garlic. I bought three or four bulbs at Jewel for a whopping price of just under $5. A few days later at the business Costco in Bedford Park, they had a three-pound bag for $5, too. In my whirl to get ready to close up and hide, I bought those, too.
“There is light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. “Our harvest is going to start in three weeks. We expect to have a very good crop.”
ronnie_suburban wrote:bw77 wrote:You may want to consider doing the chickpeas in some smaller batches than a full pound if that is more than you can eat in a day or two. The times we've made those, they seemed to lose their crunch pretty quickly.
That's why I prefer to fry them. Make a bigger batch but they stay crunchy indefinitely. Of course, they're not nearly as healthful that way but they're much more delicious.
Cathy2 wrote:The luck of the Cathy: there is now a garlic shortage.“There is light at the end of the tunnel,” he said. “Our harvest is going to start in three weeks. We expect to have a very good crop.”
The world is just so unbelievable lately.
jlawrence01 wrote:Finally, in the last two weeks, we are at the point where we have all we need and can start planning completely regular meals consistently.
bw77 wrote:Guotie assembly line-
G Wiv wrote:bw77 wrote:Guotie assembly line-
This is singing to me. Nicely done!
Bok Choy Jr wrote:@ronnie_s: cool cutting board! End-grain maple? Mind sharing where it's from?
Cathy2 wrote: there is now a garlic shortage.
The GP wrote:Cathy2 wrote: there is now a garlic shortage.
We've had only one or two heads of garlic in the house over the course of sheltering at home. It has been erratically supplied when I've gone into a grocery store. I made an unplanned trip to Costco yesterday and grabbed one of their big bags of garlic. We should be fine for a few more months now.
boudreaulicious wrote:Every time I’ve bought a quantity of garlic like that, most has been unusable well before I needed it, unless I was making a large garlic-consuming recipe. Might want to pull the cloves of some of them and freeze—especially if you have a food saver or something to that effect.
The GP wrote:What's for lunch: sauteed pea shoots with garlic (one clove down!), red pepper flakes, egg over medium because I got distracted, cheesy herb biscuit from Smack Dab, sliced cheddar under egg.
I give up . . .
annak wrote:today's breakfast