In one of the blogs/newsletter's I read, the mention of
The BEST-EVER-Pancakes was the topic-
and the author referred to :
"One morning I came home to find that the vegan teen
had made a big batch of these, which told me two things:
They were vegan and they were easy to make.
What I didn't expect is that they would taste so good.
Honestly, I have no idea why there are eggs and milk in pancakes after eating these.
They are lighter than conventional pancakes,
and easily get the perfect crispy edge that can be elusive with more cake-y cakes.
This has been the family's go-to pancake recipe every since."
Vegan Pancakes- no Eggs, or Milk by
R. Kramer, on Flickr - speaking ofPANCACKES- one of the most amazing-as in-Change-your-Life- sorta-Pancakes, I had in Corktown- Detroit recently- were served with what was described as "Smoked-Maple-Syrup"

- a thing I'd not considered possible before this encounter...
Lady of The House > Corktown Detroit by
R. Kramer, on Flickr
What they did I was told- was once the Chef had the smoker going- he inserted a vessel, containing said Maple Syrup- and let the smoke permeate the Syrup.
Not sure what kind of vessel he used- but- the net effect-
was remarkable.
Be sure to check-out
Lady of The House- when you visit Detroit , and lemme know
if your life has changed since eating Pancakes with Smoked Maple Syrup!