I have been to St Louis many times in the past and never got out of the airport, with STL approx. 3.5 hours from my house not sure why I hadnt rolled down for a roadtrip before this last week for a short Spring Break(i know glamerous destination for Spring Break, but im saving my duckets for Denver in June).
If one is rolling down to STL cant see why a stop at Cahokia Mounds wouldnt be in the cards (unless you hate history):

Mound 72, look it up, interesting how many bodies were sacrificed and buried here(272):

a worthwhile link:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mound_72Walked across the Grand Plaza towards Monks Mound:

2nd set of stairs are an ass kicker:

View from the top - STL in the distance:

Time for a drink - I dropped the girls at a mall in the area and I hit Fast Eddies Bon Air - cmon, folks who know me know I cant pass a spot like this up.
old school - the only school:

Cheap drinks, lots of food options as mentioned above, but I steered clear and just enjoyed the 70 degree day on the patio.
Fast Eddies Bon Air1530 E. 4th Street
Alton, IL.
http://www.fasteddiesbonair.com/Needed a quick lunch so some fried chicken was in order - a spot open since 1937 should do the trick. - Castelli's been around since 1937 - There special Talk-n-Chic fried chicken -

small, but tasty bird.
Castellis Restaurant at 2553400 Fosterberg Road
Alton, IL.
http://www.castellis255.com/Rolled over to STL in time to check in at the hotel - and head out for dinner. First nights choice was Broadway Oyster Bar -

cajun/seafood place with a large patio.
p & e shrimps(dug the gin in the cocktail sauce - boozy), NOLA style chargrilled oysters and crawfish bisque:

All were devoured. Entrees were unmemorable - Vangie went with a cajun combo - all bad(jambalaya, rice and beans and etoufee) - I did snow crab.
Even with the hits and misses I liked this place:
Broadway Oyster Bar736 S. Broadway
http://www.broadwayoysterbar.com/I like donuts, more often at night.. - so a cruise across town was in order to Donut Drive In.

Place was hopping with customers and folks in back whipping up donuts. Grabbed some jellies(personal favorite), some apple fritters(sweet), and some cake donuts with sprinkles). Good shit all.
Donut Drive In6525 Chippewa St.
Thursday AM we hot over to Soulard Farmers Market around 9am, still quite a few vendors but no pork rinds Doh!, knew we would be coming back.

Alright, I was hungry at this point and had been following a few foodtrucks on Twitter, Guerilla Streetfood was the choice today:

Filipino style foods, I went with the flying pig(roasted pork asado, chilis, calamansi, sriracha, rice, 1 hour egg.

money dish.
Also did Chicken Adobo(chicken thighs braised in soy sauce, there was ton of garlic and even some crispy chunks atop the rice underneath - (vangie makes a bad ass version being filipina, but I like this one alot:

doesnt look like much visually but the vinegar was popping. Loved it. craving it now, prolly should have added the 1 hour egg to this dish as well.
Guerilla Streetfood (food Truck)
http://www.guerrillastreetfood.com/about/That was just a snack for the 3 of us, so we popped over to Bogarts for some BBq:

Line of about 6 or 7 when we got there, line out the door when we left. Seated only after you order, well run machine.

went for a snack of a 1/2 slab of bb ribs and a 1/4 lb of burnt ends(deviled egg potato salad and pork skins as sides).

ribs were meaty & spot on. Burnt ends, not as fatty as some versions I have gotten, but more like smoked chucky to me - different strokes I imagine - not saying it wasnt good. Pork skins were great.
Bogarts Smokehouse1627 A. 9th
http://bogartssmokehouse.com/After the girls hit the American Girl Store in on of the burbs for a tea party we hooked up for dinner at Peacemaker Lobster & Crab for supper:
i like shrimps, these P & E worked:

also did a lobster frito pie app, mainly to see what it was.

chunks of lobster, chili, fritos, etc. it was alright.
mains - fresh blue crabs - steamed:

hellz yes. called until they had them in, 2 females popping with roe, all fresh and faboo.
the special that night - crawfish boil - yes please:

nice spice level to the bugs, loved the deep fried brussel sprout petals mixed in with the halved boiled ones.
Overall a great visit, top notch staff, cheap buffalo trace pours, ectc.
Peacemaker Lobster & Crab1831 Sidney St
http://peacemakerstl.com/Friday morning woke up craving corned beef - Saw a spot that opened early and didnt mind slinging sandwiches around 9am.
Protzel's Deli - around town since 1954. - Corned beef made in house.

went with a Ronny's Special(corned beef, Russian Dressing, slaw on rye - crave these frickin flavors:

nice folks running the spot, and a nice breakfast sandwich.
Protzel's Deli7608 Wydown
Clayton, MO.
http://www.protzelsdeli.com/After hitting the zoo for the first time this visit we were near where another food truck I was following was set up for lunch. Taste-D-Burger

smash burgers and shoestring fries is their specialty - I did a double cheesw with pickle, onion and ketchup only. IMHO fries are filler so I didnt bother.
Double cheese:

some lacy edges - overall a burger I would eat a couple times a week.
Taste-D-Burger (food truck)
http://tastedburger.com/When I told Shay I had a dumpling place on my short list she insisted we roll that way asap. Lonas Little Eats - they have a stall at the Soulard Market, but this is their brick and mortar spot:

place was packed on friday for lunch, we got an order of the beef and mushroom dumplings to go:

I know my photos can suck, but these were great., loved the filling, with a curry kick.
Lona's Little Eats2199 California
http://lonaslileats.com/After those bites it was time for some photos I had wanted to get.
Bevo Mill - Built by August Bush, a windmill halfway between the brewery and his home(Grants Farm) - Finished in 1916 - Opened as a restaurant in 1917 - now a banquet hall

Bevo Mill4749 Gravois Ave
http://thebevomill.com/Across the street was this cool old bar and sign:

Sat am was a fine morning in STL:

Got back to the zoo for a second time as well as to the Soulard Market for those pork rinds:

Also got some tomatoes, bacon, mini donuts, etc. Really wish we had a market like this around here.
Being a short 3.5 hours home we had a couple things on the slate for Sat. A Crawfish boil in the afternoon downtown STl gave us enough time to roll over to a fish restaurant in Swansea, IL. & the Swansea Fish Stand for lunch.

got the tip on this place from DaBeef- appreciated. Small building next to a VFW type hall doing fish and other items friday and sat only. Sat menu expands to fried chix , DF tacos, and pork chops.
Went with some of the deep fried pork chops as well as a few of the DF tacos:

tacos were good, a little heavy on the shell to meat/cheese ratio, but id eat these again. Chops(didnt get a good pic) were good stuff, maybe a little heavy on the salt in the breading.
Swansea Fish Stand301 Service Road
Swansea, IL.
http://www.swanseafishstand.com/last stop was a trip back across the river to STL. Urban Chestnut was having a crawfish boil, figured why not.

large outdoor biergarten was great for the event. Crawifsh were just ok. Fresh as heck, they got 600# live in, needed some kick and flavors. Either way it was fun to sit outside and eat some mudbugs in the sun.
Urban Chestnut3229 Washington
http://urbanchestnut.com/home/Overall we/I enjoyed STL. Like most places I visit when outside of Chicago and its suburbs, the folks who lived in STL I met were friendly & the food we had overall was good. The city is pretty easy to get around other than their poorly timed stoplights and the construction going on down near the Casino hotels. the STL zoo is free and great, you can park on the street by the north entrance for free.
Dug into the list I had pretty well, but ran out of time and pretty much hit a food wall on Thursday which cost me some spots. All good, I can do that 3.5 hour drive in my sleep. Ill be back.
Last edited by
jimswside on April 7th, 2015, 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.