I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. If this is parody, it's sublime; if it's egomaniacal self-delusion, it's still very funny. Let me comment from the perspective of a somewhat educated and proud descendant of the noble Neanderthal...
homaro cantu wrote:This is where it gets tricky, does one choose to no longer follow the rules of the past? If so, all contact with the history of food is to be severed.
This is the artistic vision of the adolescent. If you think of what you do at all as 'art', than one would hope you understand that 'art' has meaning only in the context of rules, violated or not. The difference between monkeys (human or otherwise) and artists throwing paint at canvases has to do with the degree to which the result stands in some sort of dialogue with what has gone before. Humans who step out of the dialogue are talking to themselves and probably need to be reminded to bathe occasionally.
Furthurmore, is there to be no record of our discoveries and achievements so as to promote our philosophy of forgetting everything you know then tasting it.
Huh? If you're not interested in rules and history and dialogue, why in God's name do you need to make a record of your 'discoveries'? Or is it that you have undergone apotheosis?
I have satisfied my own dilemma by no longer considering myslef and my team as CHEFS. We are now gastronomic transferers of energy in a post-modernist style.
Geez, I thought the post-modern kick was passe about five years ago, when all the intellectual left-wingers finally embraced their need to give in to the urges of their portfolios.
Self identity must be in constant evolution along with the technology we tap into. We opened as moto the restaurant, we are now a team of former chefs striving for knowledge in many aspects of science, from astrophysics, to thermal dynamics, aspects of mathmatics from tessalations to impossable geometric shapes you consume with images of impossable shapes tesselating on them. (Edible oragami tasting menu). In futuristic propulsion conceps like ion propulsion, superconductivity, utilizing new inventions to enhance these concepts.
If that is the case, you surely should raise your prices.
We can no longer ponder the literature and ways of the past. Gastronomy is like a newborn baby compared to the wise old technology sector.....whyforehowcome? How has this happened, if humans choose a lack of interest in consumption, then we WILL become extinct. Consumption is the only thing keeping us here so why have we wasted so much time on the destructiveness of ourselves and not put more energy into more cerebral and pleasurable ways of consumption.
Eating oragami is perhaps a more cerebral and pleasurable way of consumption for you but caveman food, when done well by accomplished caveman cooks, is quite pleasurable and, I would argue, cerebral enough, and it certainly doesn't seem to have led to extinction of (at least) cavemen (admittedly, some of the species eaten have perhaps gone the way of the dinosaur). Your suggested pioneer's path seems to this Neanderthaler a little dangerous in this very regard...
I enjoy iconoclasm and the occasional passionate championing of the absurd. I also think it a fine thing to fleece affluent philistines who get more out of talking about where they ate and what they paid for the experience than actually chomping down on some satisfying cibus primitivus of the sort I and my brooding Neanderthal forebears have so long enjoyed. But in the end, I can't help but suspect that someone who makes a living fleecing philistines is probably one of them.
Please read this caveman's comments bearing in mind the severe limitations of my ilk. My brow protrudes heavily, I am somewhat furry (despite shaving), and feel a constant urge to club things.
Grüß Göttle.
Last edited by
Antonius on June 10th, 2013, 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Alle Nerven exzitiert von dem gewürzten Wein -- Anwandlung von Todesahndungen -- Doppeltgänger --
- aus dem Tagebuch E.T.A. Hoffmanns, 6. Januar 1804.
Na sir is na seachain an cath.