We interrupt this thread for an LTH-ish joke:
Q. How many LTHFORUM-ers does it take to sample a new dish?
A. One to hold it up and everybody else to photograph it.
And now, back our regularly-scheduled program...
Since we're into the last week before the picnic, I thought I'd post some suggestions for supplies for people to consider choosing, in case they were still unsure about what they might bring for sharing. These are
just some ideas based on informally summarizing what I've seen folks already post to-date.
Also, given that we're now looking at a group size of 80 people or more, it might be good to consider augmenting some of the quantities of existing food/drink contributions previously posted by others. For example (besides the bologna and squishy white bread for grilled sandwiches ala
Taste of Melrose), I'm bringing drinking water plus a few cases of softdrinks, but that could well be consumed in the first part of the picnic if the day is especially hot. If someone else wants to add a few cases of softdrinks, I think that will help. Similarly, although a number of delicious desserts have been declared, some of them seem likely to be of a rather limited quantity compared to the size of the expected crowd. We can
always use a few dozen additional desserts, can't we?
So, from looking at what's been explicitly described as of Sunday, 9/18, it seems we might further round-out the list of shared provender by having:
- Condiments (standard mustard, relish, ketchup, and more exotic);
- Salt for the watermelons;
- Chips (potato, corn, tortilla);
- Cheese/fruit for snacks;
- Other "sides" or snacks such as olives, carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, etc.;
- Plain or flavored popcorn?
- Tea or coffee in a thermos;
- Perhaps some marshmallows/graham crackers/chocolate bars for making s'mores. (How do you think they'd be if we used
Vosges Oaxaca chocolate bars?)
Some ideas for non- food & drink supplies:
- A plastic tarp + some rope to wrap Josephine's keg;
- Five or more bags of ice to keep keg cool and to put in drink coolers;
- Extra coolers for holding food and drinks (and ice bags);
- A long knife to cut watermelons;
- Kitchen shears to neatly cut food into sharing-sized pieces;
- Aluminum foil serving trays for staging food to & from the grill;
- Several more large plastic trash bags;
- Paper napkins, additional plastic knife/spoon/fork sets, paper towels, baby wipes;
- Small disposable bowls for, e.g., ice cream or other "drippy" foods;
- Plastic containers/resealable bags for left-overs;
- Beach ball and/or soccer ball to kick around;
- Frisbees (and skeet guns to shoot 'em after we get likkered-up!)
- Bocce set (see above re: bocce balls & skeet guns);
- Bug spray;
- Battery-powered music source(?)
- Stick-on name tags + marker;
- Bail money.
Once you decide to bring something, please remember to post soon,
including approximate quantity you'll have, so everyone else is aware and can adjust their plans. Don't forget to bring your camera so we can photograph people photographing people photographing the food...kind of like our version of a conga dance line.
It should be interesting.
P.S. Did I neglect to suggest some of those murky jello molds, studded with mysterious opaque inclusions, that wobble forlornly and melt in the sun? You betcha! --mhl
"If I have dined better than other men, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants...and got the waiter's attention." --Sir Isaac "Ready to order NOW" Newton
"You worry too much. Eat some bacon... What? No, I got no idea if it'll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon." --Justin Halpern's dad