Any experiance you get will help you decide if this industry is for you. All of us will tell you its because of the love and passion for this industry that drives us. To those that continue in this industry without the passion for them, I recommend change.
Either starting at a dogger stand or commercial fast food giant is an early life great exposure. As for hoping and wishing to open something in life at a later stage. Like a child born you will have to look after it with that same attention.
It becomes you and yours. Dedication, commitment. Relocate find your type of work down there. Start a catering Business. Start slow, build your catering Business.
If you are looking for heaps of money right away, you will be sadden. On the other hand catering is like shooting fish in a barrel. You know how many, they will be there, just set your price and treat the people the way you would like to be treated.
My daughter just graduated Robert Morris in the deggree you mentioned. I did not open my Hot Dog stand till I was 46. Worked full time at my other job and full time at my Stand. Loved every minute at my stand. (passion).
Robert Morris will fit your wallet. My daughter would rate Morris as a 4 on a scale of ten culinary. But through Robert Morris she studied in Florence Italy for ten weeks and did an internship there. Experiance is experiance which is alway good. If that will be your maiden voyage in this industry like a past post on this subject go work somewhere, even like they say for free at a freinds place. Because you have to know if you really can stand the heat in the kitchen. I mean temperature. In front of those grills. You know you can if You will walk outside into 100 degree weather and say it feels like room temperature. No problem.
Never one to say you can't, never one to asked for help at a store for fear they will tell me no they do not have what I need;
P.s To everyone who tries a dream I say make a million dollars. Keep in touch!