Hi folks,
It looks like my husband Frank and I will be doing a few demos over the weekend. The schedule is below.
Friday, May 9, 3 or 4pm, going for 4 hours
Lakeview: 3300 N. Ashland. (Katherine)
Saturday, May 10, 12-4
South Loop, 1101 S. Canal (Katherine)
Saturday, May 10, 12-4
Lincoln Park, 1000 W. North Ave (Frank)
Saturday, May 10, 12-3
Gold Coast, 30 W. Huron (friend Nicole)
Sunday, May 11, 12-4
North Halsted, 3640 N. Halsted (Katherine)
Sunday, May 11, 11-2 (pending)
Evanston, 1640 Chicago Ave (Frank)
I'd love to see any of you, so feel free to stop by and say hi. My husband reads more computer forums than food-related ones, thus can discuss Java or Ruby more readily than molecular gastronomy, but he would be delighted to talk chocolate
Everyone has a price: mine is chocolate.