jpeac2 wrote:What about to roam around in front of bars. Late night.
Chicago Dept. of Business Affairs wrote:Food - Mobile
License Information
A Mobile Food License is required to sell food items directly from a vehicle, such as a catering or ice cream truck. All food must be pre-prepared and pre-packaged. Mobile food vehicles are prohibited in some wards of the City. Check with the Chicago Department of Revenue for the rules in your area.
Fee: $275
Municipal Code Reference: 4-8 and 7-40
Inspections: Health (Food Protection)
Potential Taxes
Employer's Expense Tax
Fountain Soft Drink
Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax
Restaurant Tax
Use Tax for Non-Titled Personal Property
Use Tax for Titled Personal Property
For specific business tax information see Taxes.
Disclaimer:The information on this page is intended to provide general licensing and tax information for City of Chicago business owners. The above listed taxes are those typically remitted by licensees engaging in this specific type of business. However, because every business is different, there may be additional taxes that you may be required to collect and/or remit. Please refer to the complete Tax List to determine which taxes apply to your business activity. Nothing contained within these pages shall to any extent substitute for the independent investigations and the sound technical and business judgment of the business owner.